Considerations Before your Antenna Installation

Posted on: 19 February 2016

Let us get it straight, antennas are the in thing, unless you still want to be tethered to a spot and barred the convenience of mobility while browsing on your phone. Or you probably don't want to miss your favorite NFL or football league on your TV. Worst case scenario, you do not wish to be that neighbour on a roof-top who is constantly tilting the antenna with someone at the window shouting out to them when the signal is clear. Uninterrupted WI-FI signal is god-sent, and great TV clarity and availability is a necessity. So before you break that bank account (or your back while on the roof) here are some considerations before your antenna installation.

  1. Find out from your vendor details about the antenna. Before you buy your antenna for installation, look at factors like the range of the antenna, installation instructions, security measures and a range of properties that your vendor should give in details—or simply google the product's specifications. You don't want to spend on a device that would not be useful.
  2. Figure out your home setup: Is it a multi-storey building, a studio apartment, or a simple house? These factors will greatly assist you on the antenna type, antenna range and most importantly, the number of antennas you are going to need; probably one for every floor. Rule of thumb is the more walls the signal has to penetrate the weaker the bandwidth.
  3. Interferences: WI-FI like any other signals is prone to interference. Just like when your AM radio is on and then suddenly clarity is lost, then that is interference. Same happens to WI-FI signals. This can come from the microwave ovens, microwave transmitters, and electromagnetic transmitters like X-rays. For considerable improvement on the range, make the installation manual your primary reference.
  4. Antenna type. Carefully select the antenna that would give you superior quality channels in your area with the least struggle. You don't need to spend a lot on an aerial when all you needed was a satellite dish. Are you going to install the antenna in the house or on the rooftop? Again, quality of the signal is dependent on the availability of channels in your region. Indoor antennas are great and easy to install but will they give you better signal clarity. Know your need in details.
  5. Expert installation: Finally, a few dollars to your local vendor for expert installation would be great. This gives you guarantees that the job would be professionally done. Lightning is dangerous. You don't want to be struck by lightning any more than you want to fall off the roof adjusting the antenna.