• How Poorly Maintained Appliances Are Driving Up Your Energy Bills

    Did you know that poor appliance maintenance can cost you in more ways than one? Aside from costing you money out of pocket when they wear down to the point of no repair, appliances that aren't maintained often can be highly energy inefficient. This article will take a look at just a few of the ways appliance maintenance will help you save on your energy bills. 1. Filters affect airflow
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  • 3 Common Sewing Machine Problems That Require Expert Attention

    Working with an uncooperative sewing machine can be frustrating. Whether the thread tangles up easily, the machine skips stitches or the needle keeps breaking, a faulty sewing machine can leave you stranded mid-project. You can solve some of these issues yourself without much of a problem. However, others require the services of an appliance technician who provides sewing machine repairs. This article highlights a list of sewing machine problems that need professional repairs.
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  • Dog Loves Peeing On Your Outdoor AC Unit? 3 Compressor Unit Mutilations Instigated By Dog Urine

    If you have a split AC, your compressor unit is most likely located outside your home. If the unit is close to the ground, you'll notice your pet dog making a beeline for it every time it needs to pee. Dogs tend to pick objects like trees, fences, shrubs and compressor units when they pee. This urine is devastating and can break down your AC completely over time if ignored. This commentary aims to help you understand the compressor unit mutilations instigated by dog urine.
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  • Reasons to Invest In Scheduled Air Conditioning Maintenance Services

    A misconception that some people have is that avoiding the outdoors and spending most of their time indoors will ensure they are not exposed to pollutants. The truth of the matter, though, is that the quality of your indoor air is only as good as how functional your air conditioning unit is. If the air conditioning system is not well maintained, then you could be exposed to just as many pollutants as you would be if you spent your time outdoors.
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  • Considerations Before your Antenna Installation

    Let us get it straight, antennas are the in thing, unless you still want to be tethered to a spot and barred the convenience of mobility while browsing on your phone. Or you probably don't want to miss your favorite NFL or football league on your TV. Worst case scenario, you do not wish to be that neighbour on a roof-top who is constantly tilting the antenna with someone at the window shouting out to them when the signal is clear.
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  • Foul-Tasting Coffee? 3 Possible Reasons

    A large number of homeowners look to their coffee machines to kick-start their mornings. Therefore, a bad-tasting cup of coffee will start a homeowner's day on the wrong footing. It is important for homeowners to understand the various reasons that often contribute to the production of not-so-good coffee from their domestic coffee makers. This article discusses three of these reasons for the benefit of homeowners who love their caffeine. Over-Roasting Of Coffee Beans
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  • Features You Might Overlook When Choosing a New Commercial Refrigerator

    When in the market for a new commercial refrigerator for your restaurant or diner, you want to take the time to compare all the features available to you. The refrigerator you choose is very important as it uses a tremendous amount of power, and it can create cumbersome foot traffic in the kitchen if you don't opt for the best model for your facility. Note a few features you might easily overlook when shopping for a new commercial refrigerator and why they're so important to consider.
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  • Putting Out Grease Fires in Your Kitchen: What You Should Know

    When cooking, be careful, because grease fires can occur when a collection of grease or oil from animal fat on your fryer, stove, or oven gets hot enough to catch fire. Just like any other fire, grease fires are dangerous. Additionally, since the source of fuel in this type of fire is a liquid, the effects will be severe because the liquid is easily splashed and the fire can spread quickly to the cabinets or other areas of your kitchen and eventually even the entire house.
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  • Bracing Your Air Conditioning Unit for the Hot Summer Season

    Your home's air conditioning unit is not at all conspiring against you by seeming to fail more often in summer when you need it the most. What you may overlook all too quickly is that it is during the summer days that your AC unit remains running for longer hours. Hence, it has to be prepped well in advance to work efficiently throughout summer time. Here are a couple of handy tips to help keep your AC unit in top working condition so that you can enjoy more relaxation time in your house when soaring summer temperatures become unbearable.
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